
I am mother to four amazing boys and wife to one amazing guy. We live a somewhat unconventional life, spending years at a time living and working overseas and returning to Michigan for precious stretches of time with family and friends.  We love the privilege and challenge of growing our family in various places in the world, and we feel absolutely blessed to be able to do what we love most: teach God’s Word.

My husband and I tell our kids (and each other) that God has made them in special ways for special purposes: He has a plan for each of them (and for us, too)!  We believe that we accomplish His purposes by setting His glory as our ultimate goal, which allows us to be and become fully ourselves. 

Writing these simple songs is undeniably one of the things for which God has made me.  I know this because, while my songs may not all be musical works of genius, writing them makes me feel as though I'm being fully myself, and sharing them gives me great joy!

What we store in our hearts and minds has the power to change what we say, what we do, what we believe, how we behave, how we live and who we are. 

That's why it's so important to fill our minds with the Truth of God’s Word.

Music helps us do that. 

My hope is that my music will help you to do that, too.

I’d love to hear from you! Contact me if you’d like me to write a song for a particular passage.

If you’d like to know more about our work overseas, find out more here!